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Benefits of Accident Chiropractic Care
Car accident injuries can be complicated and difficult to treat. Seeing a chiropractor early on can prevent minor injuries from turning into long-term issues.

Accident Chiropractic uses methods like spinal manipulation, cold laser therapy, electrical muscle stimulation, and massage to reduce pain, promote healing, and improve range of motion. Using these methods will help you avoid dependency on pain medications and reduce inflammation caused by the trauma of the accident.
The force of a car accident can throw your spine and other joints out of alignment, causing painful inflammation. Over time, this can cause sprains and strains in soft tissues that can become chronic and lead to serious problems if not treated. A chiropractor can treat these injuries using a combination of spinal manipulation, massage therapy, and rehabilitation exercises. This can alleviate your pain and support a faster healing process.
The body is designed to heal itself, and chiropractic treatments can help you achieve that goal. Unlike pain relief medicines, which mask symptoms and may be addictive, these natural techniques work to heal the root of the problem and promote a wholesome recovery.
Soft tissue injury is a common side-effect of being involved in a car accident, and a qualified car accident chiropractor can use a range of treatment techniques to relieve your pain and discomfort. Techniques include spinal manipulation, massage, trigger point therapy, and rehabilitation exercise. These can also alleviate your inflammation and promote a faster healing time.
Inflammation is a normal part of the healing process and can be caused by a number of factors, including micro-tears in ligaments and muscles that x-rays cannot pick up. A chiropractor can manipulate your spine to reduce your inflammation by triggering the release of an anti-inflammatory chemical called IL-6.
When you visit a chiropractor for a car accident, the doctor will assess your injury and then prescribe an appropriate treatment. This treatment can be a lot less invasive than surgery, which is often recommended for more severe injuries. It can also speed up the recovery process and improve your quality of life.
Pain medication after a car accident can be dangerous, even if you only take it for a short period of time. Over-the-counter medications can also have a negative effect on your health if used long-term, and they don’t offer any real healing effects. Instead, visit a car accident chiropractor for natural and effective treatment that can heal your injuries without the need for pain medication. The results will be longer-lasting and more natural than pain relief medication.
Enhances Nervous System Function
The impact of a car accident can send shockwaves that alter the body’s natural balance and musculoskeletal alignment. While the hospital tends to immediate injuries, a chiropractor can heal the deeper musculoskeletal impacts of the collision, enhancing your recovery process and overall well-being.
The brain, spinal cord and nervous system comprise the central nervous system (CNS). Spinal misalignments called vertebral subluxations can interfere with nerve signals that travel from the CNS to the rest of the body. This can cause a host of symptoms, including pain and numbness. Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to restore correct alignment, allowing the body’s healing ability to function normally.
Symptoms of spinal misalignments include neck and back pain, cervicogenic headaches and whiplash. These issues are often overlooked, but they can contribute to long-term problems such as chronic back and neck pain, a reduced quality of life and even depression.
In addition to restoring the health of your spine, chiropractic adjustments help you recover from the emotional trauma of a car accident. Through gentle and effective techniques, your chiropractor can help ease tense muscles, improve range of motion, reduce swelling, relieve inflammation and promote tissue repair. In turn, this accelerates the healing process and allows you to return to your normal life activities sooner.
Whether you’re an athlete who relies on your body for work or play, or just someone who wants to live a healthy and happy life, chiropractic can enhance your performance. Chiropractors treat a variety of sports injuries and can even help prevent injuries before they occur. This approach is particularly helpful for athletes who are prone to developing hidden injuries, such as a concussion or a neck injury called whiplash.
The specialized techniques used by a qualified car accident chiropractor can also prevent scarring, which can inhibit functional movement and contribute to longer-term pain. A chiropractor can assess your injury and treat it with a combination of soft tissue techniques, massage, spinal manipulation and exercise. This can speed up the healing process, and prevent scarring from forming, so you can get back to your normal lifestyle faster.
Reduces Scar Tissue
The body naturally tries to heal itself after injuries by forming scar tissue, but when this scar tissue isn’t properly broken up, it can make you feel stiff and uncomfortable. Chiropractors are able to specifically target areas of scar tissue buildup and break it up so that your injury can heal properly, and you don’t have any long-term stiffness or pain.
Another reason why seeing a chiropractor after a car accident is a good idea is that it can help prevent you from needing surgery for some injuries. Taking prescription painkillers for car accident injuries can be addictive, and long-term use isn’t good for your health. Chiropractic treatments help you avoid painkillers and instead reduce your pain by releasing feel-good hormones that can actually relieve the injury and reduce inflammation.
Chiropractors can also reduce lingering pain and stiffness by breaking up scar tissue in the muscles. This is a common problem that car accident victims deal with. This scar tissue can cause discomfort and limit movement, which is why it’s important to seek chiropractic treatment for your car accident injuries.
Your chiropractor can use special techniques, such as the Graston Technique, to reduce scar tissue. This technique uses stainless-steel tools to scrape the skin, which can break up and dissolve scar tissue. It helps reduce pain and increases flexibility and blood flow, which is needed for the body to heal.
One of the most common types of car accident injury is whiplash, which can cause neck pain and stiffness. Chiropractors know how to treat whiplash before symptoms show up, which can save you a lot of pain and suffering in the future.
Chiropractors are able to reduce the formation of excessive scar tissue with treatments like active release techniques, myofascial release, and instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM). These methods can also help break up fascia adhesions and soft tissue scar tissue. The reorganization of fascia allows the injured area to move freely again, which can significantly decrease your pain and increase mobility. These methods don’t just reduce pain, they also reduce inflammation and improve muscle function and posture.
Helps You Recover Faster
The benefits of seeing a chiropractor after an accident extend far beyond simply treating injuries. For example, chiropractic care helps to speed the healing process by eliminating pain, reducing inflammation, and increasing range of motion. In addition, chiropractors are often able to help their clients get the compensation they deserve in personal injury claims. This is because they can provide documentation of injuries and their effect on the body, which is essential in determining how much to pay for damages.
Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s cellular healing process. But too much can stall the system. This is particularly true with spinal misalignment and scar tissue. In these situations, the body’s innate healing processes can be blocked, which leads to increased pain and discomfort. To avoid this, your chiropractor will use soft tissue techniques to relax injured muscles and reduce the tension that’s causing the pain. This type of treatment reduces the need for painkillers that can have dangerous side effects and addictive qualities.
Chiropractors also work to ensure that the musculoskeletal system is properly aligned. They do this by using spinal manipulations and massage to reduce the pain caused by tight muscles. Additionally, they encourage blood flow to the areas that have been traumatized, which brings fresh white cells to those areas to initiate the repair process.
Finally, the chiropractor will track your recovery progress and document any ongoing issues that require attention. This can be very helpful in proving the extent of your injuries and justifying your claim for non-economic damages like pain and suffering. It can also counter any defense arguments that you didn’t suffer serious injuries or that the injuries weren’t related to the accident.
While some car accident injuries are easy to spot, like broken bones and bruising, others may take hours, days, or even months before you start to feel the effects. This is why it’s so important to see a chiropractor after a crash as soon as possible. They’ll be able to detect these hidden injuries and treat them right away, helping you heal faster and recover fully.